The Star Wars prequel trilogy, comprising The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith, has long been a subject of contention among fans and critics. While the trilogy introduced captivating themes and expanded the Star Wars universe, it also faced criticism for various executional aspects. However, since Disney’s acquisition of the franchise, the Star Wars universe has undergone a renaissance, with a plethora of stories across different media platforms serving to enhance and redeem the prequel trilogy in several ways. In this article, we delve into 7 Ways Disney Star Wars Has Redeemed The Prequel Trilogy, exploring the expanded plotlines, enriched characters, and deeper lore that have revitalized the legacy of the prequels.

1. Anakin Skywalker’s Relationship with Ahsoka: A Tale of Tragedy

The bond between Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano serves as a poignant testament to the overarching tragedy of the Skywalker saga. Through their interactions in Ahsoka, Anakin’s complexities as a character are further explored, showcasing moments of redemption amidst his descent into darkness. By intertwining their narratives, Disney deepens the emotional resonance of both characters, imbuing their relationship with a sense of poignancy and inevitability that reverberates throughout the entire saga.

2. Embracing Hayden Christensen & Ewan McGregor

Hayden Christensen’s portrayal of Anakin Skywalker and Ewan McGregor’s portrayal of Obi-Wan Kenobi garnered mixed reactions initially but have since been embraced by the Star Wars community. Disney’s decision to reintegrate these actors into the franchise through projects like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka demonstrates a commitment to honoring their contributions. Christensen’s return in Ahsoka, in particular, showcases Anakin’s journey towards redemption, providing closure to his character arc and highlighting the tragic essence of the Skywalker saga.

3. Fleshing Out Padme’s Handmaidens

Padme’s handmaidens, initially relegated to background roles in the prequel trilogy, are granted agency and complexity in Disney’s expanded universe. Works like Star Wars: Queen’s Peril and the Darth Vader comics delve into the intricacies of their characters, exploring their training, loyalty to Padme, and eventual collaboration with Darth Vader. This narrative expansion elevates the handmaidens from mere accessories to formidable figures in their own right, enriching the tapestry of the prequel era and underscoring the significance of Padme’s inner circle.

4. The Chosen One Prophecy: A New Perspective

The enigmatic Chosen One prophecy has been a subject of intrigue and speculation within the Star Wars community. While the prequels hinted at Anakin Skywalker as the prophesied savior, Disney’s expanded universe offers additional clarity on this mystical concept. Through works like Star Wars: Master & Apprentice, the precise wording of the prophecy is unveiled, emphasizing Anakin’s unique birth and his pivotal role in restoring balance to the Force. This revelation not only enhances the narrative coherence but also deepens our understanding of Anakin’s destiny and his complex relationship with the Sith.

5. Ahmed Best’s Return in The Mandalorian

Ahmed Best’s portrayal of Jar Jar Binks in the prequel trilogy initially faced severe backlash, leading the actor to grapple with personal struggles. However, Disney’s Star Wars universe extended an olive branch to Best by casting him as Jedi Master Kelleran Beq in The Mandalorian. Best’s return not only acknowledges his contributions to the franchise but also provides redemption for his character. Furthermore, his role in saving Grogu during Order 66 underscores the interconnectedness of characters across different eras, bridging the gap between the prequels and the original trilogy.

6. Canonization of Revenge of the Sith’s Deleted Scenes

Despite the richness of Padme’s character, several compelling scenes featuring her were omitted from Revenge of the Sith. However, Disney rectified this by incorporating these deleted scenes into official canon through works like Star Wars: Dawn of the Rebellion. This inclusion sheds light on Padme’s involvement in the Delegation of Two Thousand, a group of senators advocating for the curtailment of Palpatine’s emergency powers. By integrating these scenes, Disney adds depth to Padme’s narrative, emphasizing her agency and political significance beyond her role as Anakin’s love interest.

7. Padme’s Funeral: The Birth of the Rebellion

One of the pivotal moments in Disney’s Star Wars canon is the transformation of Padme Amidala’s funeral into the catalyst for the birth of the Rebellion. Initially ridiculed for her seemingly anticlimactic demise in Revenge of the Sith, Padme’s funeral gains newfound significance in Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi. In this series, viewers witness Ahsoka Tano clandestinely attending Padme’s funeral, where she receives the call to join the burgeoning Rebellion from Bail Organa. This poignant moment not only honors Padme’s memory but also establishes her legacy as a symbol of resistance against the tyrannical Empire.


In conclusion, Disney Star Wars has undertaken a multifaceted endeavor to redeem the prequel trilogy, offering a nuanced reinterpretation of its themes, characters, and lore. Through innovative storytelling and a commitment to expanding the Star Wars universe, Disney has breathed new life into the legacy of the prequels, inviting audiences to revisit these films with fresh perspectives. By addressing narrative gaps, celebrating character nuances, and exploring complex relationships, Disney’s Star Wars universe has succeeded in enhancing the richness and depth of the prequel era, ensuring its enduring relevance within the larger tapestry of the galaxy far, far away.