In the intricate timeline of House of the Dragon, Lady Alicent Hightower emerges as a central figure whose decisions have woven a web of complexity, altering the fate of Westeros in unforeseen ways.

From the early days of comforting a grieving king to the manipulation of royal succession, Alicent’s journey has been marked by a series of catastrophic choices that have set the stage for a turbulent era in the Seven Kingdoms.

Alicent’s first misstep was orchestrated by her father, Otto Hightower, who exploited the death of Queen Aemma Arryn to further his political agenda. Acting as a pawn in her father’s grand plan, Alicent, under Otto’s commands, entered King Viserys’ chambers to offer solace, unknowingly becoming a crucial piece in the intricate game of power.

The result was a marriage forged in political necessity, creating a royal heir and, simultaneously, sowing the seeds of discord that would rupture her friendship with Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.

As the friendship between Alicent and Rhaenyra dissolved, Alicent’s role as a catalyst for chaos became increasingly evident.

House of the Dragon

The dismissal of Rhaenyra during her time of grief laid the foundation for animosity, providing Otto with the leverage needed to drive a wedge between the two women.

Alicent, in her quest to align herself with the rising power, distanced herself from her former confidante, setting the stage for a tragic rupture.

Alicent’s influence extended beyond personal relationships, poisoning the minds of her own children. Paranoia, inherited from Otto, became a familial trait, manifesting in Aemond’s mind.

Surrounded by loyalists and fueled by her gossip about Rhaenyra’s sons’ parentage, Alicent inadvertently contributed to the loss of her children’s innocence, transforming them into pawns in her political machinations.

Despite her morally questionable actions, Alicent maintained a facade of moral superiority. Engaging in secretive liaisons with Larys Strong, she hypocritically expected Princess Rhaenyra to adhere to a higher moral standard. Alicent’s concentration of power in her hands became a testament to her duplicity, creating an environment of moral ambiguity within the corridors of power.

House of the Dragon

In her quest for dominance, Alicent seized upon the delirious words of the dying King Viserys, interpreting them to fit her own agenda. Ignoring the king’s state of mind, she believed he was calling for the ascension of her son, Aegon, to the Iron Throne.

This decision became the spark that ignited the war of succession, plunging Westeros into a maelstrom of chaos.

Rhaenys, held captive by the Greens in the Red Keep, exposed Alicent’s lack of agency. Coerced by her father’s schemes, Alicent became a pawn in the broader political landscape, contributing to the overarching chaos that defined the era. Resenting Rhaenyra’s independence, Alicent found herself ensnared in a web of her own making.

As House of the Dragon unfolds, Alicent Hightower’s decisions resonate as pivotal moments in the tumultuous history of Westeros. Her actions, whether born out of political maneuvering or personal ambition, have become threads woven into the very fabric of chaos that envelops the Seven Kingdoms.

The repercussions of Alicent’s choices are poised to shape the destiny of Westeros for episodes to come.