In the cosmos of Star Trek, where temporal anomalies and alternate realities abound, the transformation of Captain Jean-Luc Picard into an unrecognizable figure has left many fans feeling like they’re trapped in a recurring time loop. But let’s face it: the demise of Picard as we knew him was orchestrated by none other than Patrick Stewart himself.

It all began with “Star Trek: First Contact,” the sequel film to “The Next Generation” series that saw Stewart’s portrayal of Picard take a sharp turn. Gone was the composed diplomat; in his place stood a gun-wielding, ship-smashing action hero. But why the sudden change?


In the original script, it was Commander Riker who led the battle against the Borg on Earth, while Picard played a more grounded role. However, Stewart insisted on swapping roles, thrusting Picard into the frontline action. This decision birthed a version of Picard that felt more like a Rambo clone than the cerebral leader we once admired.

This trend continued in subsequent films like “Star Trek: Insurrection” and “Star Trek: Nemesis,” where Stewart’s desire for onscreen heroics overshadowed the essence of Picard’s character. Even in the recent series “Star Trek: Picard,” Stewart’s reluctance to share the spotlight with the ensemble cast diluted the essence of the franchise.

While Stewart’s portrayal of Picard may have satisfied his desire for onscreen adventure, it’s come at the cost of tarnishing the legacy of one of television’s greatest characters. So, as we lament the demise of Picard, let’s not forget who pulled the trigger—Patrick Stewart himself.