In a recent podcast appearance, Kristen Stewart, famous for her role as Bella Swan in the “Twilight” series, shared her candid thoughts on her character’s relationship with Edward Cullen. Stewart expressed that if she were in Bella’s shoes, she would have ended the relationship with Edward much sooner due to his controlling behavior.

During the “Not Skinny But Not Fat” podcast, Stewart highlighted Edward’s reluctance to let Bella make her own choices, citing it as a major issue in their relationship. She emphasized the importance of personal autonomy and asserted that she would have broken up with Edward immediately if faced with similar circumstances.

Stewart’s remarks shed light on the dynamics between Bella and Edward, sparking discussions about Bella’s agency and the portrayal of relationships in the “Twilight” series. Stewart’s nuanced perspective adds depth to the ongoing conversation surrounding the iconic franchise.


This isn’t the first time Stewart has reflected on her role in “Twilight.” In previous interviews, she has addressed critiques of her performance, emphasizing her commitment to staying true to the character as depicted in the books.

Additionally, Stewart has acknowledged the presence of queer undertones in the series, offering insights into the layered themes explored in the franchise.

As Stewart continues to promote her latest film, “Love Lies Bleeding,” her candid commentary on “Twilight” provides fans with intriguing insights into the beloved series.

With discussions about Bella and Edward’s relationship dynamics resurfacing, Stewart’s perspective adds a fresh dimension to the ongoing fascination with the “Twilight” saga.