Marvel dropped a bomb during Super Bowl LVIII with the unveiling of the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer, bringing Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine into the MCU fold. However, as fans dissect the preview, a theory gaining traction suggests that the true villain might not be who we think.

In a Reddit post by u/PecanCherry, a compelling theory emerges, proposing that a variant of Deadpool could be the hidden antagonist in Deadpool & Wolverine. The evidence lies in Deadpool’s multiverse jaunts, seen in the trailer.

He appears in an environment resembling Avengers: Age of Ultron and later surfaces at a casino, gearing up to confront Wolverine.

The theory suggests that this Deadpool variant utilizes a modified time-travel device to traverse timelines with malicious intent. The plot thickens as the Deadpool from the previous films allies with Wolverine to thwart this variant and prevent chaos across the Marvel multiverse.

Deadpool & Wolverine

Multiverse elements are already confirmed in Deadpool & Wolverine, evident in the TVA’s presence, responsible for maintaining multiversal order. The theory gains weight as Shatterstar makes a surprising appearance, alive and well, despite perishing in Deadpool 2, hinting at alternate universes.

The intriguing twist in u/PecanCherry’s theory involves the speculated alliance between the nefarious Deadpool variant and Cassandra Nova, a villainous counterpart to Professor X. The theory delves into the MCU’s introduction of Cassandra Nova, drawing connections to the Loki series and the Void region, a dumping ground for X-Men timeline variants.

While fan theories often tread into speculative territory, the groundwork laid in the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer leaves room for unexpected twists. As Marvel unleashes multiverse madness, the true villain might indeed be a variant of the Merc with a Mouth, making the upcoming film an exhilarating dive into unpredictable territories. Stay tuned for more multiversal mayhem!